New Year cards can be printed with message shown below or with your own message
These cards and postcards are an excellent way to bring back inactive patients!
Offer a discount, such as $10-15 Off their next office visit.

Click on images to enlarge

Card: NY-01
Postcard PNY-001

Card: NY-02
Postcard PNY-002


Card: NY-05
Postcard PNY-005

Card: NY-03
Postcard PNY-003

Card Greeting:
Stay in the best of health all
year long with regular Chiropractic
Adjustments and treatments
from Dr. Your Name.

Present this card during your next visit
or give to a friend for $15 Off
any treatment!

Card: NY-04
Postcard PNY-004


Kookaburra Cards
241 Waldron Avenue
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852

(800) 582-0450
Have a Question:

Printed & Shipped in the USA